Medium rides are from five to fifteen kilometres.
Kids from age five or six with a bit of experience can easily do distances from five to ten kilometres in a mostly flat environment. Even on or two little hills shouldn't slow them down too much. Once the terrain gets predominately hilly, you need to start having regular stops.
You will need to make sure everyones bike is up to speed and fits them properly before you get started, there is nothing worse than limping home with soft tyres or seats that dont stay at the right height.
I carry a bag with a water bottle for everyone, and what we used to call scroggin. Basically a mixture of nuts, seeds, dried fruit and a few bits of chocolate to keep the morale up. Look up a few recipes for it, you can make to be exactly what your kids will eat.

Etiquette on Cycleways
Etiquette on Cycleways is just common sense really, but here are a few tips to keep in mind.
- Be alert and aware of your surroundings.
- Have a bell on your bike and use your bell to alert walkers and other riders
- Stay on your side of the path and give way to oncoming riders.
- In high traffic areas moderate your speed.
- Give walkers and slower riders plenty of space when overtaking.
For parents, we all know that kids have limited situational awareness, so we have to be their eyes for them. Its important for their safety and that of others that they understand basic rules of riding.
I tend to put the slowest rider first and cruise behind them to help them alert and avoid walkers.
Learning these skills when riding on cycleways means you can be trusted to ride safely when you have to do a section of road.