Im always on the lookout for new loop rides, this is not really a new loop, but the stairs off Illawara rd have just been removed and a ramp installed to make (almost) continuous flow.
A nice flat scenic loop for younger riders to test their legs with two great playgrounds and fantastic bush and river scenery.
The loop runs along both sides of the Cooks river at the back of Marrickville, it is only about 3kim long, with nothing more than the mildest of undulations. There is a waterplay park, with a cool playground at the steel park end, and another playground in the Gough Witlam park with a cafe. What more could you want for a easy family bike ride?
Access is easiest from Bayview ave, parking is usually easy and Tempe Railway station is quite close. The carpark at steel park is often quite full on weekends.
Gough Witlam park has some little loops around within it that make for fun exploring and getting lost.
The other location worth mentioning is the Concordia club opposite Tempe train station, once a bowling club, now a thriving German club with giant beer steins, bratwurst, and old bowling greens for the kids to run on. Now its the perfect family bike ride!
The only thing to take care with- to cross the cooks river on Bayview ave, the only footpath is on the eastern side of the road. I believe that they are fixing this right now(dec17) but that was the case last time I went through. There is a set of pedestrian lights to cross at Tempe train station, but on the other side of the river you have to make a run for it. There is good visibility on the road at that point.